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In 2018, Yooji wanted to develop its drive channels and offer consumers more reliable information about product availability. Already possessing a Store Locator on their site, Yooji turned to Click2Buy which presents a Where to Buy solution complementary to their D2C operations.


For a brand like Yooji, providing accurate, real time information about their entire product range was no small feat - their stock varies greatly from one supermarket to another.


Yooji needed to offer clients a way to purchase via their preferred distribution channel, which meant proposing every channel available, with stock information in real time.


Yooji benefitted from a higher degree of product findability and a significant increase in qualified traffic sent to their retail partners - sales that wouldn't have occurred otherwise had they stayed purely D2C.

“Yooji’s website will soon generate as much revenue as sales in physical locations, which is the proof that the solution co-exists perfectly with an e-commerce site.”

Marine SALLENAVE – Category Manager @ Yooji


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Contact Bastien!

Sales Director at Click2Buy, Bastien and his team are ready to sit down with you and evaluate how the Click2Buy solution can boost the efficiency and value of your communication channels.

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